Nguyễn Triện | Chat Online
17/03/2022 10:41:56

Read the passage, and decide whether the statements that follow are True or False

Question 1 (1pt): Read the passage, and decide whether the statements that follow are True or
The world's energy resources such as coal, oil, and gas are limited. Therefore, if we don't start
conserving them now, it will be too late. And solar energy is the only real alternative. This energy can
be collected from the sun by solar pancls on the roof of houses. These panels can create enough energy
to heat an entire house. Solar power is clean and there is a lot of it in sunny places. But when the
weather is bad, there is no sunlight for energy
1. The energy resources are endless.
2. If we conserve energy resources now, we will lack them in the future.
3. We can also collect energy from the sun.
4. Solar power is unpolluted and inexpensive.
20e and answer the auestions.
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