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17/03/2022 16:54:08

Complete the sentences with the words in the box

 Complete the sentences with the words in the box 
benefits create     discovery explore  experiments
invention         observations        progress            Science         technology
1. My brother is very good at natural_______ subjects such as Chemistry and
2. Simply speaking____, is the tools and machines that help to solve problems.
3. The scientific method is a way to ask and answer scientific questions by making ____and doing experiments.
4. While scientists study how nature works, engineers ____new things, such as Products, websites environments, and experiences.
5. In Science, you should repeat your___ several times to make sure that the first results weren’t just an accident.
6. Scientific____ brings us many conveniences and advanced machines,
such as computers, automobiles, and so on.
7. There are many ____of technology in the classroom, especially as students are becoming increasingly digitally literate.
8. The_________ of penicillin is very useful because it has saved lots of lives.
9. The key individual is responsible for the____  of the double helix structure of DNA were Francis Crick and James Watson.
10. Scientists are planning to send people to___________ Mars in the near future.
V. Give the correct form of the word given to complete the sentences. 
1. There is still room for__________ in your work.   IMPROVE
2. Today scienfic progress is mostly defined in terms of_____________ advancements. TECHNOLOGY
3. The first experiment was___ , so we need to do another one. SUCCEED
4. A___________ is a scientist who studies the solid and is quid matter that constitutes the Earth.  GEOLOGY
5. The U.S________ of the Moon began with the Ranger 4 impactor in 1962. EXPLORE
6. A nuclear power reactor__________ could provide assistance with the loading and unloading of nuclear fuel. OPERATE
7. The study points out that many people’s health has been affected from bathing in or drinking_____ water. PURE
8. Thousands of______ are used in everyday Products -in our water, our food and in the air we breathe.
9. ._________ in Japan have found that human ageing may be able to be delayed or even reversed. RESEARCH
10. Here are several ________proven studies that describe how to keep fit SCIENCE
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