ngộ khôg | Chat Online
17/03/2022 19:56:13

Choose the correct answer

----- Nội dung dịch tự động từ ảnh -----
I. Choose A, B,
1. Can you turn.
D to complete the following sentences.
..the light? It's too dark.
B. off
A. on
2. What are you looking
C. in
... ?. My picture book. I've lost it.
С. in
D. for
A. on
B. off
D. for
3. There are
. saving methods and inventions to use solar
B. energize
4. I had to pay much money this month for the international
B. calling
A. energetic
C. energy
D. energetics
A. calls
C. to call
.... this morning.
D. called
5. A new air-conditioner will be
A. to install
B. installed
C. installing
D. install
6. Scientists are looking for an
way to reduce energy
A. effect
B. effection
C. effective
D. effectively
7. We can .
... easily in the daylight.
B. reading
A. to read
C. readed
D. read
8. She won't take all these suitcases
she likes to travel light.
A. so
B. but
C. because
D. therefore
9. They are completely short of water now. A number of people have
died because of this..
B. short
C. shorten
D. shortly
A. shortage
10. What can we do to spend less..
C. about
D. of
A. in
B. on
Match a word in A with its definition or meaning in B.
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