Kiều Trinh | Chat Online
17/03/2022 21:32:36

Read the paragraph and then complete it. Using the words In the box

1. Read the paragraph and then complete it. Using the words In the box.(1.0 polnt)
the idea tiot pobots will only bring heneflts to people in the fluture. Robots
intluences. Firstly, they will be very expensive und we will spend
1disagree (1)
will also have ome (2)
foo much money buying and lixing them Necondly, nobots in lhctorles will he able to do everything the
workers do, so nobots will malke them joblee, Thirdly, robots In our homex will do all the housework
many things for us, but they may not improve the quality of our livOs,
Us, NO We will become luzy and inactive. (4)
short, robots will do
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