Phuong Anh Le | Chat Online
17/03/2022 21:45:44

I’m not a smoker and I prefer (1) ………… around non-smokers rather than smokers


I’m not a smoker and I prefer (1) ………… around non-smokers rather than smokers. In fact, I think it’s about time they (2) ………… smoking. I hear smokers talk about smoking as though it (3) ………… harmless but we all know the damage it can cause. Why should I have to put up with it in public places? If only people (4) ………… the consequences of smoking, they might not take up the habit in the first place. The government had better (5) ………… action soon. It’s time they (6) ………… smoking everywhere. The rate of lung cancer related deaths is increasing every year.


A. to be 

B. be

C. having been



A. are banning 

B. banned 

C. had banned 



A. were 

B. be 

C. had been



A. consider 

B. considered 

C. have considered 



A. be taking 

B. take 

C. taken 



A. prohibited 

B. will prohibit 

C. have prohibited 

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