ngộ khôg | Chat Online
18/03/2022 19:44:20

Chọn đáp án đúng

----- Nội dung dịch tự động từ ảnh -----
1. Malaysia is divided
В. on
two regions.
C. in
A. to
D. into
2. She often goes to the
B. pagoda
to pray because her religion is Islam.
C. temple
A. church
D. mosque
3. Mary was really
A. impress
4. The United States has a
.... by the beauty of Hanoi.
B. impression
C. impressive
D. impressed
of around 250 million.
A. population B. separation
5. Mathematics and Literature are
C. addition
D. introduction
subjects in high schools.
D. religious
A. adding
B. compulsory
C. optional
you to say so!
C. for
6. It's very kind
A. in
В. to
D. of
Can you tell me how many chapters this book consists......
8. Don't forget to add sugar to the mixture. This
B. to
C. with
D. in
is important.
D. additionally
A. add
B. addition
C. additional
9. Vietnamese people are very ..
and hospitable.
A. friend
B. friendless
C. friendly
D. friendship
10. They were welcomed by friendly
in Vietnam.
A. air
B. matter
C. impression
D. atmosphere
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