Anonymous - Người dùng ẩn danh
18/03/2022 21:08:55

I. Read the passage and fill each blank with a word / phrase from the list

----- Nội dung dịch tự động từ ảnh -----
I. Read the passage and fill each blank with a word / phrase from the list.
Most people enjoy (1)
exotic city or a seaside resort . You can (2).
take home some interesting (3)
your destination , and that can sometimes be a challenge! You need to make lots of
preparation. You will ( 4)
buses. If you fly, you may find that your flight has been (5) ,
problems with your luggage. In (6)
accommodation (7)
people love to go on holiday.
abroad, and having the chance to stay in an
new people, learn new things, and
But before you can do that, you have to reach
have to reserve a seat in advance on planes, trains or
or you have
to the travel, it is often difficult to find good
a price which you can afford. (8)
, most
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