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19/03/2022 15:00:39

Choose the correct answer

----- Nội dung dịch tự động từ ảnh -----
Passage 3:
People have recycled materials throughout history. (1).
reformed, and (2)
paper (3)
reducing the need to process new material. The (5)
can is equal to the energy in the gasoline that would fill half of that same can. To make an aluminum can
can from unrecycled materials.
1. A. Metal
2. A. recycled
3. A. factory
4. A. power
tools and weapons have been melted,
since they came in use thousands of years ago. The iron, Steel, and
of energy saved in reducing one aluminum
have almost always used recycled materials. Recycling saves (4)_
recycled metal takes only 5 percent of the total energy needed to produce the same aluminum
C. Paper
C. reduced
C. companies
C. resources
C. quality
C. from
D. Nylon
D. unrecycled
D. places
D. energy
D. qualification
B. Wood
B. reused
B. money
B. number
5. A. amount
6. A. on
В. in
D. to
Passage 4
Tet Nguyen Dan, more commonly known by its shortened name Tet, is the most important and popular
holiday and festival in Vietnam. Tet (1)
_from the first day of the first month of the Lunar
special holiday
during Tet, like visiting a
the first day of the new year, ancestral worshipping, wishing New Year's
money to children and elderly people. Tet is also an occasion for
until at least the third day. Many Vietnamese prepare for Tet by (3)_
foods and cleaning the house. There are a lot of customs (4).
person's house (5)
greetings, and giving (6).
pilgrims and family reunions. During Tet, Vietnamese visit their relatives and temples, forgetting about the
troubles of the past year and hoping for better upcoming year.
В. оссurs
В. раper
B. eating
B. practiced
1. A. takes place
C. celebrates
С. year
C. baking
C. performed
С. in
C. lucky
D. A and B are correct
2. A. calendar
D. decade
3.A. taking
4. A. prepared
5. A. on
D. cooking
D. done
В. at
D. by
D. saving
6. А. рарer
B. spending
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