Hana_Kim | Chat Online
19/03/2022 19:56:21

Choose the word or phrase (A, B, C or D) that best completes the sentence

III- Choose the word or phrase (A, B, C or D) that best completes the sentence

6. If anyone ___________, ___________ him I ___________ back at 9 o’clock.

            A. calls-tell-will be    B. called-telling-would be     C. is calling-tells-am              D. will call-to tell-am

7. We shouldn’t ___________ rubbish on the street.

            A. throw                      B. reuse                                   C. wrap                                   D. turn off

8. ___________ means giving things to people who are in need.

            A. Swap                      B. Charity                               C. Reuse                                  D. Recycle

9. If we use ___________ paper, we will save a lot of trees.

            A. fewer                      B. less                                     C. more                                   D. much

10. You should put the food in a reusable box ___________ plastic bag.

            A. by                           B. instead of                            C. because of                          D. without

11. ___________ you hear the fireworks from your house last night?

            A. Can’t                      B. Could                                  C. Can                                     D. Will

12. Yesterday, my mother ___________ me a robot toy on my birthday.

            A. give                        B. gave                                    C. giving                                 D. to give

13. My father always ___________ coffee at home instead of going to the coffee shop.

            A. do                           B. does                                    C. make                                   D. makes

14. “___________ do you think about the new kinds of robots?”

            A. How                        B. What                                   C. Why                                    D. When

15. “We waste a lot of money and time researching and making robots.”    - “___________.”

            A. I think not              B. I don’t think so                   C. I agree with you                 D. I don’t hope so

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