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19/03/2022 21:01:29

Completo the table below

----- Nội dung dịch tự động từ ảnh -----
Questions 13 - 15
Completo the table below
Write NO MORE THAN ONE WORD AN/OR A NUMBER for each answer.
Pick up litter
|Arrange (14).
Meeting point
Вeach (13).
Village Hall
Beach team
Town team
8 a.m
Questions 16 - 20
Choose the correct letters A,B or C
16. What does the speaker say about the judges in the competitors?
A. Most of judging will have some experience. B. None of the judges will have some experience.
C. Every judge will be experienced.
17. The winner in each of the competitions will
A. be given vouchers. (2hiều quà tặng) B. be awarded a cash prize.
C. receive book-tokens. (ehiếu mua sách)
18. The profits from the marathon will be given to the Children's Hospital to help
A. buy new specialist equipment.
B. decorate the hospital ward. C. provide books for children.
19. Wardens will be needed at the car park because
A. they helped organize the parking well last year.
B. the parking last year was disorganized.
C. they will be needed to collect parking fees.
20. Bags will be provided by the council
A. for all the rubbish.
C. only for material that can be recvcled
B. only for food rubbish.
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