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23/03/2022 14:47:06

Chia từ

----- Nội dung dịch tự động từ ảnh -----
2:43 O M
D. wat
II. Fill in the blanks with correct relative pronouns.
1. Here is the dictionary
2. Miss Jane,
3. The men
.was borrowed from the library yesterday.
.sings very well, is my English teacher.
you saw on TV were from Australia.
4. Do you know the boy and the car
5. My sister,
6. The man and the elephant
7. He finally married the girl
8. The presents..
9. Stop him . He's the man
10. There are many people
the police are looking for?
has finished the course in USA, is a good cook.
..we saw on TV last night are from Africa.
he loved. mother gave me are very beautiful.
stole my wallet .
are living in very poor condition .
natural disastars
Eill in the blonks with the nomos of
< Ť
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