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23/03/2022 14:49:01

Chia từ

----- Nội dung dịch tự động từ ảnh -----
come out.
IV. Put the verbs in brackets into the correct form
1. The environment (be)..
2. I suggest that you should (practise) ...
3. My father would buy a new house if he (have)
4. We (already/ finish)
5. Don't leave the lights on – it wastes ....
-polluted if we keep on littering.
English in class.
..enough money.
...the course.
will make your fields more productive. (fertile)
. (succeed)
6. This kind of .
7. That man looks very ...
8. Minh keeps fit and play tennis
9. If you want to pass the next exam, you (study ).
10. I suggest (take)
11. Nam (be)...
12. The telephone ....
a shower.
..late for school if he stays up late watching TV.
..(introduce) by Alexander Graham Bell in 1876.
films I've ever seen. (enjoy)
... (comfort)
13. It's one of the most
14. The shoes were nice, but they were
15. I'm
.sorry, madam, but we don't have those shoes in your size. (terrible)
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