14.Sơn Mi Vo | Chat Online
23/03/2022 16:18:57

Đọc văn bản và trả lời câu hỏi

----- Nội dung dịch tự động từ ảnh -----
3. A. with
B. without
4. A. pieces of
B. a piece
5. A. convenient
C. piece of
D. a piece of
B. convenience
C. inconvenient
D. inconvenience
II. Đọc đoạn văn, trả lời các câu hỏi 1, 2, 3 và khoanh tròn phương án trà lời thích hợp nhất cho các câu hội
số 4, 5. (2,0 điễm)
The three main causes of pollution by humans includes the release of smoke and fumes from
manufacturing plants and various industries. Power plants release carbon monoxide and furnaces that burn waste
are two examples of manmade pollution. Gasoline refineries also release dangerous chemicals in the air called
hydrocarbons. The second cause is the burning of fossil fuels such as from cars, trucks, trains, airplanes. This type
of pollution occurs often because people rely on transportation every day. Another main cause of pollution is from
household and farming chemicals. On farms crop dusting may pollute the air, homes may be sprayed with
chemical to kill bugs or to help the grass grow.
There are several effects of air pollution including acid rain, which is when rain is mixed with the pollution in
the air. This acid rain can cause harm to trees, animals, fish, and other living organisms. It can cause problems
with breathing and irritation to the eyes, nose, or throat. Sometimes people can also get headaches or have allergic
reactions. Long-term effects can include lung cancer, heart disease and other health problems.
1. How many main causes of pollution by humans are there?
2. Why does the type of pollution from cars, trucks, trains, airplanes often occur?
3. May crop dusting on farms pollute the air?
4. The word which" in paragraph 2 refers to which of the following?
A. acid rain
B. air pollution
C. effects
D. pollution
5. The word "effects" in paragraph 2 could be replaced by which of the following?
A. efforts
B. affect
C. difficulty
D. impacts
PART C. WRITING (3,0 điểm)
I. Hoàn chính câu thứ hai sao cho nghĩa không thay đổi so với câu thứ nhất như vi dụ (câu 0) đã làm, (2,0
0. Do you play chess well?
> Are you good at playing chess?
1. I usually went fishing when I was a small boy.
→ I used
2. "Are you doing your homework now?" Mary asked
> Mary asked
3. They said that this building was built in 1908.
4. Although Tim was a poor student, he studied very well.
→ In spite of
5. Peter said to Tom "Why don't you invite her to your birthday party?".
→ Peter suggested
II. Viết 1 đoạn văn khoảng 100-120 tiừ về chi dể sau (1,0 điêm): "Some reasous why traditional crafts villages
should be kept."
Học sinh có thể sử dụng các gợi ý sau:.
- Contain many customs and cultural beauty of Vietnamese villages
- Provide jobs for millions of workers in rural areas
- Have products of better quality
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