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25/03/2022 08:37:51

Fill in the blanks with proper words by using the given words in the box:

----- Nội dung dịch tự động từ ảnh -----
QUESTION IV. Fill in the blanks with proper words by using the given words in the box: (1 pt)
Mrs. Ha received her water bill yesterday, and she was rather surprised at the large sum of money she
had to pay for the (1)....
It was (2)....
neighbor, for some useful advice. Mrs. Mi told her that she should get (3)... . showers
instead of baths because baths used twice as (4)...
should always (5).....
of water a month.
.... of water her family used last month. That was 200,000 VN dong.
So Mrs. Ha was worried about it. She asked Mrs. Mi, her next-door
water as showers. In addition, she
.to turn off the faucets because a dripping faucet can waste 500 liters
A number
A small
A taking
A many
A remember
C sum
C cheap
C to take
C much
C a word
D part
D enormous
D to using
D plenty
D using
B amount
В low
B spending
В a lot
B conclusion
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