ngộ khôg | Chat Online
25/03/2022 19:26:47

Choose A, B, C or for serving some of the finest food

----- Nội dung dịch tự động từ ảnh -----
I. Choose A, B. C or
for serving some of the finest food
to co
aspects of learming English do you find the most difficul
1. This year the only award for the
B. well
student betongs to him
C. better
D. best
A good
2. The restaurant has the.
B. reputation
C reputed
D. reputable
A repute
D. Why
C When
B Where
this difficuls L.
A What
4. We think that with our solidarity we can
B. overgo
C. overtake
D. overcome
A overdo
5. They couldn't pass the final
B. examine
D. examination
C. examining
teachers here.
C qualified
A. exam
6. We have many well.....
A. qualify
7. This shirt costs
B. quality
D. qualification
A. approximative
C. approximation
8. If you study at The Brighton Language Center UK. you can live
B. approximately
D. approximate
on campus.
A. dormitory B. mobile room
C. hotel
D. private room
9. I saw your school's ... . in today's edition of the Vietnam New
B. advertisement C. advertiser
A. advertise
10. I can complete a
A. speak
D. advertising
English test if you want.
B. spoke
C. spoken
D. speaking
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