Nguyen | Chat Online
25/03/2022 21:53:16

Solar panels _____ outdoors where the sunlight can reach them

1. Solar panels _____ outdoors where the sunlight can reach them.
    A. should install            
    B. should been installed
    C. should installed
    D. should be installed
2. Non-renewable resources will go forever if they are used ____.
    A. up                B. off                 C. out                   D. for
3. If we reduce the consumption of energy, we ____ money.
    A. will be saved              B. will save             C. will be saving               D. are saving
4. Many kinds of chemicals can completely have damaging effect ______ our environment.
    A. to            B. in           C. on            D. for
5. My mum _______ the Meeting on Climate Change at 9 tomorrow morning.
     A. will be attending              B. have attended           C. attended             D. will be attended 
6. Fossil fuels ______ completely with solar and wind in 20 years' time.
     A. are replaced            B. will be replaced            C. will replace                D. replace
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