ᴵᴬᴹᑎᗩᗰᑕóᑎY⁀ᶦᵈᵒᶫ | Chat Online
28/03/2022 21:00:11


Dịch típ nhaaaa
----- Nội dung dịch tự động từ ảnh -----
computers are like extra body parts that we
carry around with us. 'Our mobile phones
have become like children,' explains Amber.
'If they cry, we pick them up. We plug them
into the wall and feed them. When they're lost,
we panic.'
In the past, we humans developed tools
that extended our physical abilities. We used
them to improve the environment, farm the
land, move around faster or protect ourselves.
In the 21st century, our smart tools - our
gadgets - extend our mental abilities. With
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