Anh Minh Vũ | Chat Online
29/03/2022 19:13:58

Change into the reported speech

V. Change into the reported speech.

1. Mr Jones was very sad and said "All this rubbish is killing fish and other sea creatures."


2. "We can clean the beach together." said Nick.


3. "I'll ask our friends and neighbours to come and help us" Mary said to them.


4. "I'm so happy to hear that, children" Mr Jones said to his children.


5. Tony said "The disposal of untreated sewage in rivers and oceans leads to water pollution."


6. Mary said "Loud and annoying sounds from innumerable vehicles in the highway nearby cause noise pollution."


7. Mai said "The rising sea level is product of global warming, a natural phenomenon. The only unnatural thing about global warming is the accelerated rate at which it is happening."


8. Linda said "Environmental pollution is an impact of human activities on the environment."



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