Nguyễn Hoàng Anh | Chat Online
05/04/2022 19:23:45

Put the verbs in brackets into the correct form of conditional sentence type 2

EX 2. Put the verbs in brackets into the correct form of conditional sentence type 2.

 1.  If I (be)                  the president, I (pass)                          harder regulations for using fertilizers in agriculture.

2.   If I (be)                  you, I (not eat)                        that genetically modified potatoes.

3.   If big corporations (care)               more about the environment and less about their own pockets, the pollution from factories (not increase)                               so fast.

4.   He             (sort)                             his trash, if he (be)                  smart.

5.   If the seas (pollute)                       , maybe the population of whales (recover)                            .

6.   If I (not throw)                              this can of Coke into the bushes, I (not know)                                   that Coke is poison for wild animals.

7.   If the factories (not dump)                        untreated waste into the ocean, fish (die)                  massively.

8.   What (do)                           you if you (be)            President.

9.   If the air (not be)                            dirty, the breathing problems (reduce)                       .

10. If I (own)               a lonely island, I (build)                      a huge house by the beach.


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