Nguyen | Chat Online
07/04/2022 20:52:47

Choose the best anwser

1. It_______to rain after we_________the back yard.
    A. will begin/ have cleaned
    B. began/ clean
    C. began/ had cleaned
    D. will have begun/ had cleaned
2. Before H'Hen Nie was crowned Miss Universe Vietnam 2018, she_____any beauty contests.
   A. hasn't entered             B. doesn't enter            C. wasn't entering                D. hadn't entered
3. Spanish________in 18 American countries as an official language.
    A. spoken              B. is spoken              C. speaks                    D. to speak
4. Most thatched-roof houses_______when the firefighters_________.
    A. burnt up/ had arrived
    B. had burnt up/ arrived
    C. will have burnt/ arrives
    D. had been burnt up/ arrived
5. The children_________the animals since they were three.
    A. feed             B. fed                C. have fed               D. had fed
6. The ocean tides___________ higher than usual when the moon_________full.
     A. gets/ is                 B. will get/ is               C. will get/ will be                D. get/ will be
7. The flat is now so clean. It________.
    A. is tidying up                    B. has been tidied up               C. will be tidied up                D. is tidied up
8. One of the first typewriters___________in 1868.
    A. have patended              B. patended             C. were patended               D. patent
9. Some apartments on the verge of collapse in District 4, HCMC__________down next week.
    A. knock                B. have knocked                  C. will knock                   D. will be knocked
10. Where will these apples trees___________?
      A. planted                 B. be planted                 C. plant                     D. be planting

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