Nguyễn Thị Thanh Hiền | Chat Online
11/04/2022 11:24:23

Astronauts have to study_________a long time

A. in
15. Astronauts have to study
B. on
a long time
C, at
D. by
B. for
B. on
A. in
16. How long was she
D. for
A. at
C. in
17. Don't forget to lock the door and give the key
D. to
C. in
by plane.
C. are traveling
A. at
B. on
18. If we can buy cheap tickets, we
D. to travel
A. travels
19. if the weather
A. isn't
B. will travel
bad, Lisa will visit the Sensoji Temple.
B. is
about life in space?
D. aren't
C. are
20. How
A. do/ feels
D. do/ feel
B. docs/ feels
C. does/ feel
21. What do you need for our camping trip?
A. We need a tent because there isn't a hotel.
B. We needs a tent because there isn't a hotel.
C. We only bring some drinks.
D. We don't need to bring anything.
22. Should we bring sleeping bags?
A. No. Because it's too heavy.
B. No need to bring anything.
23. Mary: Plcase keep this a secret. Tom:
A. Yes, I do.
B. Yes, I am going.
A. Let's
25. I think students
C. Yes, sure, It's be cold at night.
D. Yes, we shouldn't.
C. Yes, I can.
D. Yes, I will.
do the sights around the capital city.
B. I suggest
C. How about
to school on a special bus in the future.
C. will travel
D. What about
A. travels
B. travel
D. to travel
> Helen: I'd love to, but I'm afraid I can't
26. Jack:
A. Would you want to go swimming with us?
B. Would you rather go swimming than watch TV?
C. Why not go swimming?
D. Would you like to go swimming with us?
7. Helen: Let's try this computer game. →Tom:
A.I hope not.
B. Good idea.
From Hanoi, you can casily get
A. to
When its energy runs
A off
Tom: Let's walk to school. Mary:
A Why2 It's good exercise
B.Surel It's not good exercise,
C. How often?
D. Why??
Sapa in the summer.
C. at
,the robot stops working.
C. out
В. on
D. for
B. on
D. for
C. No! It's good exercise.
D. Sure! It's good exercise.
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