Hoàng AnhTuấn | Chat Online
14/04/2022 19:23:07

Read the text and complete the gaps. Use only one word in each gap

Read the text and complete the gaps. Use only one word in each gap.
----- Nội dung dịch tự động từ ảnh -----
Best Friend
When I was a child, I (1)
to be afraid of dogs. I don't
remember (2)
told me that dogs were dangerous;
maybe it was my grandmother or a neighbour, but the fact was that I
really suffered (3)
this fear of mine. Whenever I saw
a dog, I always ran in the other direction. My parents tried very hard to
help (4)
get over the problem. They told me stories
about dogs saving people's lives and said that dogs were man's best friend,
but it was no use. (5)
I was about 12, my little brother
found a lost puppy and my parents agreed (6).
him keep it. It took me several months to (7)
to having a dog around the house even if it was only a harmless puppy.
However, it was so friendly (8)
playful that I couldn't
help liking it. That was how I started getting over my fear of dogs.
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