Nanashi | Chat Online
20/04/2022 20:00:01

Two places that you can swim across

----- Nội dung dịch tự động từ ảnh -----
1 two places that you can swim across
2 two things you can go up
3 two places you can walk across
4 three sports where you hit something over a net
foottad foothatt table emis.
5 three objects
u sometimes put into your pocket
6 something a magician takes out of a hat
7 two places you can't go into without a ticket
8 two forms of transportation you can get on or get off
9 one Olympic sport where you run around a city
10 two things you can sit under if it's hot and sunny
11 two things you might see if you fly over New York City
12 two jobs where people take things from one place to another
13 two sports where you go around and around a track
14 two animals that can climb up trees
15 two games where you move pieces across a board
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