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22/04/2022 10:05:05

Read the following passage and answer the questions

----- Nội dung dịch tự động từ ảnh -----
Read the following passage and answer the questions.
Communication is essential in life. When two or more people exchange information, they communicate.
Someone sends a message and another (or others) receives it. To avoid misunderstandings, there must be clear
communication. Otherwise, there might be fighting and hurt feelings. Communication can help to build or
destroy relationships. For example, if you express your feelings using kind words, people will probably respond
in a more positive way. If you are mean, people might not want to spend time with you. Good communication
is also important to express what you need. In general, there are three ways or styles of communication. The
first style is the passive communication style. A passive person does not offer any opposition even when feeling
pressured. The second style is the aggressive communication style. An aggressive person is hostile and
unfriendly. The third style is the assertive communication style. An assertive person communicates in the
healthiest way by being direct yet respectful.
1. What can help avoid misunderstandings?
2. What may be consequences of misunderstandings?
3. What might make people respond positively?
4. What type of person never shows disagreement?
5. Which communication style is highly recommended by the writer?
iust careers where you get up in front of a large audience. Certainly, there
dorchin of large businesses. But did
II/ Read the following passage carefully and choose the best answer for the questions below.
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