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25/04/2022 17:13:59

The Chinese Invented paper in the first century

----- Nội dung dịch tự động từ ảnh -----
1. The Chinese Invented paper in the first century, Cau a đông
Paper A S y..a .th.irs.f.contur..
2. Using a computer is simple.
Rewrite the sentences
3. The question is very difficult so I can't answer it.
The question is .. .l.. ne
4. You must hand in the answer sheet.
toamwer it
5. Thomas started working for this company 20 years ago.
मीर्ट गणीह
6.. "Don't walk on the grass" said the man to the children.
The man..........
7. "Where did you live before you moved to Paris, Lily?" asked the woman.
The women....
8. "They are building a new bridge here." said the man.
The man.......
9. We spent 5 hours finishing translating the article.
It took..
10. They built the church in 19th century.
11. " Have you seen this film, Mark?" said his friend.
His. .
12. "Wait here until I come back." said the man to us.
The. .
13. "I don't know what my wife is doing now. ) said Nick.
Nick. .
14. "Let's go fishing." Tom said.
Tom suggested.
15. Let's go out for a walk.
Would .
16. The last time I met Laura was in 2000.
I haven't.
17. I'm trying to find my keys.
I'm looking. .
18. If you don't work hard, you will never succeed.
Unless ..
19. Save the Earth and we will have an ideal place to live.
If we. .
20. “I'll go to the dentist tomorrow." Said Daisy,
Daisy .
21. Have you ever seen this film?
Is this. .
22. They last went to the cinemas 2 months ago.
They haven't .
23. I'd rather play computer games than watch TV.
I prefer .
24. Paul is too young to drive.
Pauls is not. .
25. It's 18 years since I last met him.
....... u.
........ ..
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