Dương Võ | Chat Online
11/04/2018 21:55:49

I/ don't think/ uniforms/ good/ school students

A. Use the prompts given to write a short paragraph to tell your ideaals about wearing uniforms:
  1. I/ don't think/ uniforms/ good/ school students
  2. Firstly/ students/ lose their rights/ choose/ sizes/ colors/ fashions.
  3. Secondly/ they feel/ constrained/ wear/ clothes/ they/ not/ like.
  4. Thirdly/ they/ not feel/ comfortable/ convenient/ play/ sport games/ their friends.
  5. Finally/ students/ feel/ less self-confident/ front/ large crowds.
  6. So/ let/ students/ wear/ casual clothes/ when/ they/ be/ school.
B. Write the thing that happened on Lan's birthday party:
  1. Lan/ make/ chocolate/ cake/ hang/ colorful lamps.
  2. Lan's mother/ new bike.
  3. Lan/ many/ presents.
  4. Friends/ come/ party.
  5. Everybody/ love/ cake.
  6. Lan/ great day.
C. Use the words given to complete the passage:
  1. Thank you/ much/ invite me/ speak/ your students/ conservation.
  2. I/ delighted come/ answer/ all/ question/ student have.
  3. I/ find it/ best/ start/ show/ a/ video film,/ and it/ follow/ discussion.
  4. Also, I have/ wide selection/ information leaflets/ any students/ be/ interested.
  5. I/ hope/ students/ enjoy/ listen/ my lecture.
  6. and I/ look forward/ hear/ you.
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