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09/05/2022 17:42:25

Chọn chỗ sai trong câu

chọn chỗ sai trong câu
I disagree with the idea that robots only bring benefits to people in the future
Nam told us that his wish is to become a young inventor
This job would be impossible without the help in a computer
Cancer researcher have made great progress,but many aspects of this disease need further study
It is known that new scientific discovery are being made all the time
Thanksgiving day has been celebrated in U.S in the fourth Thursday of November
He decided to not apply for that job because he didn't meet all the qualifications
Because social media networks,we are now able to interact with thousands of people all over the world
Visitors to Scotland can spend endless days explore its historic centuries old castles
Mi said that Columbus had discovered America in 1492
The planets in the solar system are name after the Roman Gods
Her speech on 
the environment was meaning
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