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10/05/2022 12:15:00

Topic 5: The importance of learning a new foreign language

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opie 5: The importance of learning a new foreign language
Nowadays, it is very important to leam a foreien language because of these reasons. Finst, leaning a foreign language, English for
example, helps us learn and eet information about new things in the world. There are a lot of books written in English, French,
Chinese...Second, it helps us feel confident when we travel abroad. We can talk very easily with people in other countries and learn
a lot from them. We can use the language to work and do business without an interpreter. Finally, though a foreign language we leam
we can learn more about the people of that country, we know a lot about their culture and society and customs and traditions. We can
become friends of many people so our life is more interesting In conclusion, when we know a foreign language we can open a new
to our world. Because of the benefits of learning foreign languages, one should know at least one foreign language.
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