Anonymous - Người dùng ẩn danh
10/05/2022 17:43:13

Choose the best answer

----- Nội dung dịch tự động từ ảnh -----
D. No, I'll do it later.
a simple question that everyone answered it correctly.
C. Yes, what can I do for you?
Question 17: It was
A. so
B. such
applicants should send their completed forms to the personnel office
B. Qualification
C. much
D. too
Question 18:
A. Qualifying
C. Quality
D. Qualified
Question 19: We've kept this chair for you. It's
comfortable we have.
D. much too
C. the very much
his car outside hasn't come back for it yet.
C. whom he left
A. the most
B. the more
Question 20: The man
A. who left
D. whose
B. who he left
Put each word in capital letters into the correct form so that it can fir the gap in each sentence below.
(1.25 points)
Question 21: Last week I visited a
sacrificing themselves for the country.
Questicn 22: He is a
Question 23: Is this television the
Question 24: His mother is getting angry with him because his room is very
of the soldiers MEMORY
man. You can trust him.
expensive you have got?
to go from place to place in the
Question 25: It used to be
past but it isn't now. Everything is getting better and better.
Read the following passage and circle the lener A, B, Cor D to indicate the correct wordf that best
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