sói blue GM | Chat Online
12/05/2022 21:17:36

How do you think the role of teenagers will change in the future

----- Nội dung dịch tự động từ ảnh -----
How do you think the role of teenagers will change in the future?
I think, teenagers play an essential role in our society because they are the next generation who will
be controlling and running the world someday. What they do, what they accomplish, (thực hiện, hoàn
thành) what they are exposed ( tiếp xucsc) to has every effect on, not only our personal future, but
the future of society as a whole. There fore, the prosperity of a country in the future depends on the
teenager generation If they develop well, study hard and are always creative, their community will
be getting more and more modern. Teenagers should have an ideal of true living to help them orient
for the future.
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