Anonymous - Người dùng ẩn danh
13/05/2022 09:53:30

Complete the conversation, putting the verbs into the present continuous and completing the short answers with am, is, are (not)

Present Continuous tense: negatives
----- Nội dung dịch tự động từ ảnh -----
43 Complete the conversation, putting the verbs into the present continuous
and completing the short answers with am, is, are (not).
A: So what '.s.happenina.. (happen)? 2. Are they having .. (they/have) a party?
B: Yes, they ³..are.. .
A: And what ..
B: Well, a few of them 5.
.... (dance).
A: 6.
(Mum and Dad/dance)?
B: Yes, Mum ... .. but Dad .. .... . He '.
(talk) to Uncle Jack and they
... (laugh) a lot.
A: Is Aunty Linda there?
B: Yes, she "..
... . She 2.
(dance) with
Brian from next door. Oh, and Dad 3
everyone a drink now.
A: What '4
B: Coffee, I think. And some of them 5
juice. Mum 16
(not/drink) anything.
A: 17
.... (they/eat)?
B: Only crisps and nuts and some cheese.
A: And we 18.
... (not/eat) anything. It's not fair!
B: But they think we
(sleep) upstairs.
A: Oh no, they don't. They 20
(look) this way.
I think Dad 2
(come) over here.
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