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16/05/2022 18:35:54

Reported speech

Giúp mình mấy câu này vs ạ 
----- Nội dung dịch tự động từ ảnh -----
C. exporter(n )
C. multiculturaltt
6. A. culturalt
B materialCn)
D. letter Cn).
D. traditional tt
7. A. customer khaich hary B. villager-C. dweller, D. wander di lang thang
Tan lang
ew clan
Question 1. Lan asked her teacher what requirements she
as a monitor.
D) needed to do
A. needs to do
B. needed doing
C. need to do
Question 2. I asked Martha
A, was she planning B. is she planning (C.) if she was planning
Question 3. I wondered
A. whether I was doing
to enter law school.
D. are you planning
the right thing.
B. if I am doing
Question 4. He wants to know whether I
D. am I doing
C. was I doing
back home.
A. come
B. came
C. will come
D. would come
Question 5. They said that they had been driving through the desert,
A. the previous day
Question 6. Peter asked Jane why
A. didn't she watch
Question 7. He advised them
C. the last day D. Sunday previously
the film on T.V the previous night.
B. yesterday
D. she hadn't watched
B. hadn't she watched C. she doesn't watch
in class.
A. to not talk B. not to talk
C. to talk not
D. don't talk
Question 8. Julia said that she
A. is going to be
Question 9. He
A. told me
there at noon.
C. will be
D. can be
B. was going to be
that he was leaving that afternoon.
B. told to me
C. said me
D. says to me
Question 11. I wonder why he
love his family.
A. doesn't
B. don't
C. didn't
D. hasn't
Question 12. He asked the children
too much noise.
A. not to make
B. not making
C. don't make D. if they don't make
Question 13. Mr. Hawk told me that he would give me his answer the
A. previous
Question 14. The woman asked
B. following
C. before
D. last
get lunch at school.
A. can the children
B. whether the children could
C. if the children can
D. could the children
worried about before the exam..
Question 15. The teacher asked me
A. What I am most
B. what I am
C. what most I was
D. what I was most
a smart board in her classroom.
Question 16. Lan wishes there
B. were
A. was
C. is
D. had been
Question 17. We all
A. think
it were the weekend tomorrow.
B. hope
C. wish
D. want
Question 18. Minh wishes he
A. spoke
Question 19. He has to work 12 hours every day."
English perfectly well.
B. speaks
C. is speaking
D. has spoken
A. sure
B. How cool!C. I wish I could go back home
D. I can't imagine that
a longer summer vacation.
C. is having
Question 20. She wishes she
A. can have
B.could have
D. has
Revision for the final Exam- Created by Vo Thi Kim Hue
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