khanh ngoc | Chat Online
19/05/2022 20:22:36

Hoàn thành bài tập sau

----- Nội dung dịch tự động từ ảnh -----
On the other hand, there are also negative
consequences. Some young people become addicted to
online gaming and this can mean that they waste too
much time playing these games. This can have a
negative effect on their schoolwork, the amount of
exercise they get and their social lives. In addition,
excessive internet use can mean that some young
people hardly talk to their families because they are
always on the computer.
To sum up, spending time on the internet can have a
negative impact on young people, but it also has many
advantages. Personally, I think the internet is an
incredible tool and the benefits of internet access
outweigh the dangers. However, we should be careful
not to use the internet excessively.
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