Nam Trường Hoa | Chat Online
21/05/2022 18:14:20

Nên thay cụm từ nào trong bài để đoạn văn thêm trau chuốt

Mình nên thay cụm từ nào trong bài để đoạn văn thêm trau chuốt ạ? 
----- Nội dung dịch tự động từ ảnh -----
● What subjects at school are useful to help prepare yourself for the modern world? Why do you
think they are important? Write a paragraph of 120 words to answer the questions.
In this day and age, students seem to focus on particular subjects at school, which are said to be helpful
for their future. From my viewpoint, Math and English are necessary for learners to study. To begin with,
Math is a fundamental subject that develops logical thinking skills. Facing many difficult math questions
encourages learners to brainstorm the solution from the given clue. As a result, the more students excel
at Math, the more he or she can deal with the actual problems effectively. Additionally, it is undeniable
that English is an international language; therefore having a good command of English brings a large
number of advantages. For instance, the majority of research and documentary established in different
academic fields are written in English; thus students who have an English certificate can apply for
reputable university. After graduating from university, those bachelors can seek for a well-paid job
effortlessly. To summarize, Math and English provide a great number of benefits that prepare myself
for the globalized world.
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