sói blue GM | Chat Online
01/06/2022 21:20:11

Hoàn thành bài tập sau

----- Nội dung dịch tự động từ ảnh -----
of the advantages and disadoantages of carie
fast sollution for people who
is di
Eating out
are too busy to cook Secondly, the foods are
avaitable to us and very rich selection, eye
catching and delicious. And disadvantages of
also dangerous you can't know
caping out
as well as safety the
the resources of
plane so
restaurant outside often in plublic
dust bateria from the air when you
food And it's more expensive than
because you have to
eating the
at home.
for so many people
who serve you.
Eating crut is convenient and fast
but you have to protect yourself
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