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16/06/2022 17:41:30

Choose the correct answer

24,27 bỏ nha
----- Nội dung dịch tự động từ ảnh -----
Question 24: The salad is simple but delicious with the parts: prawns, celery, onions,
lemon, salt and pepper
Question 25: I think he suggests to recycle things such as bags, cans, and bottles.
Question 26: I say If she had an IELTS certificate, she will get the job now.
Question 27: people have reported that Thien Duong is the longest cave in Vietnam
a. People report that Thien Duong has been the longest cave in Vienam
b. People reported that Thien Duong has been the longest cave in Vienam
c. It is reported that Thlen Duong is the longest cave In Vienam
d. It has been reported that Thlen Duong is the longest cave In Vienam
Question 28: I don't know what I should wear.
a. I don't know what to wear.
b. I don't know what wear
c. I don't know what wearing
d. I don't know what should wear.
Question 29:
They were pleased
a. With the traffic problem had been solved
b. To that the traffic problem had been solved
c. That the traffic problem had been solved
d. That the traffic problem to have been solved
Question 30: Now I wish there
a. Be 4 seasons in my area.
b. Are 4 seasons In my area
c. Will be 4 seasons In my area
d. Were 4 seasons in my area.
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