Phạm Trung Quân | Chat Online
20/06/2022 14:40:34

Read and write the word

----- Nội dung dịch tự động từ ảnh -----
1. Read and write the word.
1. When you switch on the TV, you can see lots of different
2. A progamme for children with moving pictures.
3. This tells you about things you can buy.
4. To know what is happening in the world right now, you need to watch the
5. This tv programme gives you information.
6. You listen to music and news on this.
7. You can use your ....... phone when you are out..
8. You can use this camera to make films...
9. To change the channel on the tv, you can use a remote
10. There are lots of these on your tv. You choose one to watch, using your remote
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