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26/06/2022 12:42:36

Dịch đoạn văn sau

----- Nội dung dịch tự động từ ảnh -----
There are more than 300,000 species of plants around the
world. They all have special features that make them different.
Here are three of the most interesting plants in the world. Let's
discover what makes them so unique.
Hi, everyone. I'm Rafflesia arnoldii. I only live in the
tropical rainforests of Sumatra, Indonesia. I have several
interesting features. First of all, I'm the biggest flower in the
world. I'm 1 meter long and weigh up to 10 kilograms.
So it may be hard for you to carry me. Unlike other flowers,
I have no visible leaves, roots, or stems. Instead, I rely on other
plants to get water and nutrients. When I'm in bloom, you might
want to avoid me.
I produce a bad smell that is similar to rotten meat.
I can attract insects, like flies, that pollinate me because of this
scent. For these reasons, I'm recognized as the most rare and
unique flower.
Greetings! I'm Mimosa pudica from Brazil. I bet I look a
little plain, just like any other plant. But actually, I have a few
interesting nicknames like the "sensitive plant," "touch-menot,"
and "sleeping grass." You see, I'm very sensitive.
When my leaves are touched, my flowers and leaves
immediately drop and fold up. I look almost dead so I can make
predators go away. Also, my leaves close at night, but open
again in daylight. Isn't that interesting?
Hi, there! I'm a Venus Flytrap. You may have heard of
me because I'm a very special plant! Most plants use energy
from sunlight, water, and soil in order to live. However, I'm a
plant that eats insects!
I usually grow in very wet places where there aren't
enough nutrients in the soil for me. That's why I started to eat
insects for more nutrition. How do I do it? I usually curve my
leaves outward until an insect lands on me.
As soon as it touches my "sensitive hairs," the water in
the leaves moves. Then, I curve the leaves inward and close
tightly! Once I'm done eating, my leaves will open again to
trap another tasty meal.
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