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29/06/2022 17:42:45

Hoàn thành bài tập sau

----- Nội dung dịch tự động từ ảnh -----
Relationships will be more
each other's frame of reference.
10. I would not exactly say my parents are strict but
friends', they are a little bit more conservative.
(HARMONY) when we try to understand
Until 1928, women in Britain (1. be able)
VI. Complete the passage, using the verbs in brackets with 'used to', some are
vote. Most of them (2. stay)
class women (3. have to)
supplement their husbands'
in coal mines, where children
as well. One of the very few rights women (6. have)
was to retain custody of the children if their marriage broke down, but
since they (7. have)
the right to divorce without an act of Parliament this
(8. happen)
very often. They (9. allow)
to study at
university or become doctors. A woman's life today is altogether different from the way
things (10. be)
in the 19th century.
VII. Underline the correct words/phrases to complete the following sentences.
(COMPARE) to my
at home with children. Working
take in washing or needlework to
salaries, and the least fortunate (4. work)
(5. employ)
Parents who also work often wish they (have/had) more time to spend with their
rother (is/was less rebellious now.
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