Yu YuHan | Chat Online
29/06/2022 21:45:54

Chia động từ trong ngoặc: You often (write) to your friend?

Giúp mk hết vs ạ 
----- Nội dung dịch tự động từ ảnh -----
26. You often (write) to your friend?
27. Mr. (water) the plant every morning.
28. We (meet) each other twice a month.
29. He (listen) to the telephone at the moment.
30. They always (not go) to the school by train.
31. He (drink) beer at the bar at the moment.
32. They usually (sing) in the early morning.
33. Mi and Thanh (talk) on the telephone now?
34. They (plant) trees in the early year.
35. He (not study) Math at the moment.
35. He always (make)
noisy at night.
36. Where your husband (be)
37. He always (borrow)
38. I (be).
39. She often (not study)
I usually (have)
me money and never (give)______________back.
at school every weekend.
49. We always (do).......
50. The sun (rise).......
in the afternoon
41. She always (live)
in a big house?
42. It (rain)
almost every day in Manchester.
43. We (fly)
to Spain every summer.
44. My mother (fry)____________ eggs for breakfast every morning.
45. Jo is so smart that she (pass)
breakfast at 7.00.
every exam without even trying.
TV every night.
46. My life (be) so boring. I (watch)_
47. My best friend (write)___________ to me every week.
48. He (work).............
..in the office now.
.... English exercises carefully.
in the east.
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