Seiw | Chat Online
03/07/2022 15:44:38

Chọn đáp án đúng

giúp e với 
----- Nội dung dịch tự động từ ảnh -----
1. It's
A. interesting
2. Twins Tower is the....
A. tall
3. There aren't
A. any
4. That is
A. the borest
5. The opposite of "dangerous" is
A. dirty
B. clean
to travel around Viet Nam.
B. interested
C. interestedly
building in the world.
C. tallest
B. taller
good films on television at the moment.
B. some
C. a lot
book I've ever read.
6. This for you and
A. there
B. the most boring
B. this
7. Nam gets a letter
A. from
8. To reduce means to
C. safe
are for your little sister.
C. that
B. out
his sister every week
C. up
D. interest
C. the boring D. the most bored
D. polluted
D. those
D. the taller
D. much
D. on
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