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08/07/2022 18:34:21

Complete the email with the past simple form of the verbs in brackets

mng giúp mình mình cảm onwww
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4 Complete the email with the past simple form of the verbs
in brackets.» 7.1, 7.2, 7.3
Hi Damian,
How are you? I hope your weekend ¹
than mine!
(be) better
(fight) with my brother on Saturday. He
(find) his trainers in my bedroom and he
(get) really angry with me. I 5
(think) that they 6
very similar. And then, on Sunday, my phone
(fall) on the pavement and it 8
disaster! But 19
he can repair it.
See you soon!
(be) my trainers. They look
(break). What a
(speak) to my dad and he thinks
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