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14/07/2022 11:37:07

Match gaps 1-4 in the text with sentences A-E. Use your answers to exercise 2 to help you. There is one extra sentence

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3 Match gaps 1-4 in the text with sentences A-E. Use your
answers to exercise 2 to help you. There is one extra
A Within a few days, there were hundreds of comments
about the cheerleader.
B The comments did not make Kaitlyn feel sad; they made
her feel angry.
C Of course, they sometimes make negative comments
about other teams and players too!
D They said that it was not cyberbullying, according
to their rules.
E Soon, it had nearly a million views on YouTube.
uuvi Tigin
The Green Bay Packers and the Chicago Bears are two American
Football teams. Both teams have a lot of fans, and the fans have
their own websites and internet forums. On these pages, they share
photos, stories and jokes about the games and the players.
But one day in 2013, a joke' became an example of cyberbullying
A fan uploaded a photo of a Green Bay Packers cheerleader to
the Chicago Bears' Facebook page. He added an unkind comment
about her appearance and invited other Chicago Bears fans to do
the same 2 They called her ugly and said that the Green Bay
Packers had the worst cheerleaders in America. To them, it was all
a big joke. But how did that cheerleader feel?
The name of the Green Bay Packers cheerleader in the photo was
Kaitlyn Collins. She found her photo on the Chicago Bears' Facebook
page, read the comments and was very upset. She complained to
Facebook, but they did not remove the photo 2 So Kaitlyn
decided to fight against the bullies in her own way. She made a
video and posted it on YouTube
In her video, she did not speak; she wrote messages on paper
and showed them to the camera. She explained that most of the
Facebook comments were too homible to repeat but they had the
Kaitlyn Collins
views on YouTube
same theme: they said she was ugly. She also explained that
some comments were different-they were kind. One comment
said: "I'm a Bears fan, but she is not ugly-and she is also
somebody's daughter. Her video became a viral story
After that, somebody from the Chicago Bears fan club deleted the
photo from its Facebook page. In its place is a message about the
dangers of cyberbullying. And now Kaitlyn has her own channel
on YouTube. Her videos continue the fight against cyberbullying
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