Hajime Zure | Chat Online
19/07/2022 21:47:21

React and show interest to these sentences

----- Nội dung dịch tự động từ ảnh -----
II.React and show interest to these sentences:
What a cool thing to do!
I lost my mobile phone!
I went scuba diving when I was on holiday.
I'm going to be on TV tonight!
That sounds great
III. Give the correct form of words:
1, I was
2, I felt
3, A: I felt off my chair I the middle of the lesson.
B: How
!( embarrass)
4, She often tripped and
5, They enjoy the
6, I find watching T.V all day
with my exam results. (disappoint)
because it was dark in the house and I was alone. (frighten)
How upsetting!
herself when she was small. (injure)
summer evenings in the countryside. (peace)
. (bore)
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