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26/07/2022 09:43:16


dịch sang tiếng việt (dịch cả từ và lời giải thích bên phải, ko tra gg dịch, em phát hiện ra sẽ vote 1 điểm)
----- Nội dung dịch tự động từ ảnh -----
recognize sb/sth
go through sth
identify sth
guess sth
keep a record of sth
make a note of sth
from a country that is not your
own (a person is a foreigner).
SING The gist of sth is the general
meaning but not all the details.
the written part of a book.
newspaper, etc.
know who sb is or what sth is
because you've seen or heard
them before. recognition N.
. read sth carefully from
beginning to end.
recognize sth and decide what
it is.
- give an answer to sth without
being sure of the facts. guess N.
the words before and after the
new word or phrase that help
you to understand the meaning.
- write sth down to help you
remember it. record sth v.
write sth down quickly to help
you remember it.
the way words are used together
in a sentence. construct sth v.
- a text that has been changed
from one language into
another, translate sth v.
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