Ngọc Loan | Chat Online
28/07/2022 14:24:44

Viết hoàn thành câu

----- Nội dung dịch tự động từ ảnh -----
I asked Pan to sell me what he had seen at the
25. "Do you know how far the drug store is?" The foreigner asked me.
party the
The foreigner asked me it I know how for the drugstore in
26. "Will you please water the flowers for me tonight, Jim?" said the old woman.
27. I said to John, "Why aren't you looking for a job?"
28. Nancy said: "Why didn't you call me, John?"
Nacy wanted
29. "Remember to give your parents my regard, Lan." Nam said.
Nam said.
30. "Teacher, give us better marks, please." the puplis said.
The pupils
31. Mr Smith said to her: "Where will you go on your vacation?"
Mr Smith asked
32. He said: "I am very proud of my parents, Daisy."
He told
33. "Be modest if you are a good pupil, Lan." said her mother.
Lan's mother told her
34. "Can I use your phone?" he said to me.
He asked
35. "Whose car did you borrow last night?" I said to him.
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