Munzie | Chat Online
29/07/2022 10:12:07

Chuyển thành câu gián tiếp với dạng câu hỏi YES - NO

Chuyển thành câu gián tiếp với dạng câu hỏi YES - NO
----- Nội dung dịch tự động từ ảnh -----
1. "Do you want to buy any second-hand books?"→Bill asked me...
2. "Do you play any musical instruments?"=> Lan asked me....
3. "Will you have time to play regularly? "=> Bill asked me..
4. "Do you play for your school team?" => Lan asked me...
5. "Can you speak any other languages?" He asked me............
6. "Are you interested in learning English?" => Lan asked me..
7. "Is there a phone?" => Lan asked me..
8. "Do you have many friends?"
He asked me..
9. "Do you often get home after 10 .30 p.m?" => Lan asked me...
10. "Can you speak English?" => Lan asked me.....
11. "Are you working as well as studying?"
He asked me..
12. "Are you interested in acting?" => Lan asked me.....
13. "Is there a college orchestra?"
He asked me....
14. "Have you seen my car keys?" => Lan asked me...
15. "Will you come here next week?"
16. "Are you hungry?" => Lan asked me.......
17. "Does your brother live in London?" => Lan asked me...
18. "Do you know who broke the window?"
He asked me..
19. "Have you heard yourself?" => Lan asked me........
20. "Have you finished your exam?" He asked me..
21. "Do you live near your family?" => Lan asked me..
He asked me....
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