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31/07/2022 11:16:47

Find a redundant word in each line (if any)

----- Nội dung dịch tự động từ ảnh -----
VII. Find a redundant word in each line (if any)
Many of my friends have dyed their hair as different colors. I don't mean normal hair colors like brown or black (1_____).
My friends have yet dyed their hair orange, purple and blue (2). I told to my mother that I would like to dye my hair
green. I explained to my mother that I would only use food coloring (3______). The green would not last forever. My mother
said me that dying your hair was a silly fad (4). She said that I would not look good with a green hair. I said that if I
couldn't dye my hair green too, maybe I could get a nose ring (5). My mother said no. I said that maybe a tattoo was
on my arm would be nice (6). My mother said "no way". My mother said that she did some crazy things until when
she was a young girl (7____). She said that she used to iron her hair to make it go straight (8______). That sounds quite
interestingly boring to me. My mother says that when I am an old adult, I can dye my hair wh
not for now (9 ). She would like me to leave my hair belongs its natural color (10_
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