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31/07/2022 18:25:46

Choose the word or phrase A, B, C or D that best completes the sentence

----- Nội dung dịch tự động từ ảnh -----
EXERCISE 1. Choose the word or phrase A, B,
1. No one is better cook than his mother,
B. isn't she
A. is she
aren't they
2. Do it right now,
A. will you
3. There are no easy ways to learn a foreign language,
B. are there
A. doesn't he
7. The film is good,
A. are they
aren't there
4. He seldom goes to the library,
A. doesn't he
5. Let's go for a long walk,
A. will we
6. I think he will join us,
A. is you
9. He can speak English,
A. can he
could he
10. You don't know him,
A. do you
B. shall you
A. is it
8. You are going to the party,
B. is he
B. shall we
B. won't he
B. are they
B. are you
B. can't he
B. don't you
or D that best completes the
C. are they
C. do you
C. aren't they
C. does he
C.don't you
C. will he
C. isn't it
C. aren't you
C. can't him
C. are you
D. don't
D. isn't he
D. do
D. don't
D. aren't they
D. were you
D. aren't
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