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09/08/2022 11:20:19

Find and correct the mistakes. - Gạch chân lỗi sai rồi sửa lại cho đúng (không cần chép cả câu)

Exercise 9 : Find and correct the mistakes. - Gạch chân lỗi sai rồi sửa lại cho đúng (không cần chép cả câu) a) My birthday is the first of October. .
b) What are they doing ? Theyre make paper planes. .
c) What subject do you have today ? I have Art , Maths and English. pg. 7 .
d) Are they making a kite in the classroom ? Yes, they arent. .
e) What is the date today ? Its on the Sixteenth of April. .
f) What does Tony like doing ? He like playing chess and football. .
g) The girls are playing badminton on the playground. .
h) When is her birthday ? His birthday is on the second of November. .
i) What are they ? They are in the computer room. .
j) What can she do ? She can playing table tennis.
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